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Kundalini Reiki Master Level 3

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It’s a well-known fact that Kundalini Energy is primarily dormant in each human being, it may take a very unique event or sets of events to activate it. Kundalini awakening starts at the Base Chakra which is the entrance for the Kundalini energy. After entering the body, the energy runs up through the main energy channel and exits through the Crown Chakra. When this energy gets activated and starts working appropriately, cleansing of the chakras and energy channels will occur over a period of time. We are benefited in many forms, the most important benefit being, all our Karmas are cleared or wiped out. In some Psychic powers or abilities increases, some become more sensitive and compassionate, creativity increases, some may experience internal peace and knowledge, wishes start getting fulfilled etc. If anyone practices Kundalini Reiki regularly then there are chances that they can be achieve everything which we have mentioned here.


But we need to understand one another part of it, sometimes due to extreme illness, an accident, torture, sexual abuse, psychedelic drug use, any kind of severe trauma can, (but not always,) activate prematurely the Kundalini Energy. This kind of sudden awakened Kundalini energy or we can say prematurely awakened energy can cause an array of physical and emotional symptoms, most of which cannot be explained medically. In such cases Kundalini Reiki help us to recover and move ahead from illness to Enlightenment.


In level 3, which we called Master level, you will get initiated with more higher energies. Not only this but you will be attuned for the following reiki energies which you can use for yourself and others.


1 – DIAMOND REIKI : This is a strong energy that enlightens and heals everything in its path as long as there are no underlying unresolved problems.


2 – CRYSTALLINE REIKI : Over all of the body we have small deposits of certain crystals. These are exit points for the traumas we have experienced through life. Every time we put off or postpone dealing with a trauma, a crystal forms . If there aren’t any unresolved problems or feelings behind this trauma, the crystals can be dissolved and healed. Almost every crystal around the body can be healed with crystalline Reiki.


3 – DNA REIKI: This strengthens the ability to heal DNA strands (our blue print). We can now go in and heal negative inherited genetics and diseases.


4 – THE TRAUMA OF BIRTH: The most severe trauma is usually the process of being born. For the gentlest release from this trauma you have to use a specific type of energy whilst healing .


5 – LOCATION REIKI: Just as there are karmic bands/ties between people, there is also a band/tie between people, places, and even the Earth. These bands can weigh us down and sometimes have an influence on our physical health which we can heal easily with this energy.


6 – PAST LIFE REIKI: This is to heal the blockages from your earlier life .


After completing this level, you can attune anyone with this modality and not even persons but you can also attune anything like crystal, trees, animals and any object. Kundalini Reiki is similar to the traditional system of Reiki, but once your Kundalini has been awakened in this safe manner your Reiki healing abilities will be much improved.


You can use this for yourself and for others too


This is an online Workshop and conducted here on this portal. You get life time access to this course and all the course materials.


You will get Certificate in PDF Format


Mentorship Program to help you make career in Healing


Life time support and guidance.


Learning will be from Shri AnandYogi (Scientist Dr Mitesh Dedhia) who has an experience of more than 22 years. He is a founder of Powerful Healing Modalities like Anand Urja Maha (AUM) Healing and Divine Cosmic Prana Healing. He is also an Author, Reiki Grand Master, Spiritual Healer, Life Coach and Herbs Scientist. Holds PhD degree from UK in various Therapies. To know more about Shri AnandYogi please click here


If you find any difficulty to enrol for this course please call or WhatsApp on +919699808017

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Course Content

Kundalini Reiki 3

  • 100 Attunement Schedule
  • 101 Ethric Diamond on your Crown Chakra
  • 102 Seeing Star or Diamond
  • Enhance Love Meditation
  • Root Chakra Meditation
  • Sacral Chakra Meditation – Release Your Guilt

Student Ratings & Reviews

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1 year ago
Namaskar! The course of the Kundalini Reiki Master Level 3 is very important. It enables me to activate the Kundalini Reiki Energy in the body. After learning the course, I became more enthusiastic than the course of the Kundalini Reiki Level 1 and the Kundalini Reiki Level 2. The practice of the Kundalini Reiki Master Level 3 will give me the opportunity of the situation of awakening the Kundalini Power in the body.